The 'Dimensions' story begins in the mid-eighties when a small group of idealistic Bangor University students sought to financially support themselves and make a difference to the world.
Since then it has evolved into North Wales' most extensive health store. As well as organic and ethical products Dimensions offers the possibility of a natural and healthy lifestyle which acts as an inspiration to thousands of people.
"The organic produce and natural foods that I purchase from Dimensions have restored my health. Having lived in many different parts of the country, I am so happy to find this unique health store. It is one of the best in the UK"
Vicky, Bethesda.
Our Ideals
We wish to inspire a naturally healthier way of living for everybody, from young to old, from all walks of life. The ideal on which this is based is one of giving back to the world in which we live, an ideal that still burns brightly for us today.
Our aim has always been to promote a positive, healthier and more peaceful existence for adults and children alike, giving back to the community by channelling resources into good causes.
Our Community
We regularly support local organisations and events and take food parcels to organisations supporting homeless and vulnerable people. We also support the World Peace Flame project.
Our Environment
We aspire to make Dimensions as green as possible and we take recycling very seriously. Our fresh vegetables and fruit are either local or organic. We also sell a lot of fair trade products.
Our Mission Statement
To help people create optimum health by sourcing and supplying innovative, natural, organic and ethical foods, supplements, remedies and lifestyle options, while at the same time respecting and preserving a sustainable environment for future generations.